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Competition vs. Creativity

By December 14, 2015 February 6th, 2025 Jared Nieman

In our world we see competition on a variety of different of levels; media constantly trying to compete for our attention, competition with brand names, in sports, in school, in the workplace, even in our homes.  We strive for the attention of people, or the collection of things that we think will fill the need for the acceptance and approval we long for.  What is competition and why does it drive so many of our choices?

Competition: the act or process of trying to get or win something (such as a prize or a higher level of success) that someone else is also trying to get or win

For example: In an article on Sneaker Wars the ongoing battle between Nike and Adidas was discussed.  For years Nike held the title; it had complete creative control, and the best Adidas could do was compete.  So Adidas got creative, they hired designers, signed superstar endorsements, and a big name artist who was quoted in an interview talking about working with Nike stating “they were shackling my creative freedom,” “they weren’t giving me the opportunity to grow,” and “they were working off an old business model.”

What is creativity? Why is it so important for us to be creative?

Creativity: the ability to make new things or think of new ideas

As children of God we are no longer “working off an old business model” we are no longer under the law! Jesus came to give us eternal life.  He came to make all things new.  He came to create a new way of living.  He came to make YOU a new creation! Jesus is the epitome of creativity!

Jesus did not come to compete with an old way of life, He created with a purpose that we may have life and have it abundantly; and he pushed forward by changing old ways and thoughts and giving us a new way to think and act, read how Paul says it in Romans:

Romans 12:2 (MSG)

“So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life­—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering.  Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for Him.  Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking.  Instead, fix your attention on God.  You’ll be changed from the inside out…God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.”

 You see, there is an opportunity to be creative in every area of our lives.  Think about it, in Jesus life isn’t just about “winning” anymore.  Why?  Because Jesus already gave us the victory!  There is no need to compete anymore, we just allow God to create new things in our lives.  Things that eyes have not seen and ears have not heard!

Job 5:8-9 (MSG) says

“If I were in your shoes, I’d go straight to God, I’d throw myself on the mercy of God.  After all, He’s famous for great and unexpected acts; there’s no end to His surprises.”

 Isn’t that an incredible thought?  Our God is famous for great and unexpected acts!  Let Him surprise you with all that He wants to create in you and through you!  Stop competing with yourself, with people, and most importantly, stop competing with your Heavenly Father!

Pause and think about what in your life might you be valuing more than God?  Are you living in the world?  Or are you living in it, but not of it?  A competition always ends with a winner and a loser; but creativity always results in a new beginning!  If it feels like you’re losing in life, that’s not God; Jesus creates!

So take time and meditate on this prayer today:

Jesus pour your creativity in me, create hope in me, and renew my mind,  and transform me from the inside out, You are the Living God, create life in me!  Help me to be a pillar of creativity for others and help me to teach others what Jesus’ creativity is, by my fruit. Thank you Father for making all things new, in Jesus name—Amen!

Live extraordinarily,
