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The Majority Wins

By June 3, 2015 February 6th, 2025 Jared Nieman

It is common sense to know that the one who has the majority wins, whether it’s an election, a sporting event, or even a discussion with your spouse.  The majority of votes, points scored, or points made (and guys, you know that most of the time the girls have more points to make…), the majority will always have the victory.

majority: the greater part of something

Take a moment to think about your life, is your life driven by the true majority?  Or is it driven by what you think the majority is?  For example, is your life affected more by the opinions of others than by the truth of the word of God?  See, other’s opinions of us, matter to us, and that’s fine, but we cannot allow the opinions of others to be the greater part (or majority) of how we see ourselves.  

Never allow someone else’s unbelief in you, your abilities or your purpose to change what you believe God has declared about you, your abilities and your purpose.  I want you to take away the majority vote from other’s opinions and give it to God’s voice.  Doing this is how you can truly live in the truth of 1 John 4:4:

“Greater is He that is in you, than he who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4 ESV)

The power of this truth is that, while we live in this world, this world does not have to live in us.  This also means that there is one who has a greater plan and thinks greater thoughts about us than the world could ever imagine.

This greater one lives in you, He knows you inside and out, He knew you before you or the world itself ever knew you.  It is His thoughts, His opinions, His declarations that should be the majority in your life.

The majority of people’s opinions will always be from the outside looking in.  But every word God speaks about who you are, is defined from the inside out.  This is why His voice, His spirit and His presence in your life should always represent the majority.  Remember this,

You + God = the Majority

This is a great truth to carry with you. Remember, to quiet the voices of criticism and the negative opinions others may have of you, all you have to do is remind yourself that they are not the majority.  Listen, you don’t have to eliminate those voices, the truth is, we may never get rid of those voices, but what we can do is make the voice of God the greater voice, the majority in our lives.

God has thought incredible thoughts about you, you are His most prized possession, you are the most dearly loved of all of His creation.  He has plans to bless you and prosper you.  The truth is, He has already given you the victory through His son Jesus.  So walk with confidence today, knowing that you and God constitute the majority in your life.

Live Extraordinarily,
