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What’s in your foundation?

By September 10, 2014 January 18th, 2025 Jared Nieman

Our church is in a really exciting season, it’s time for us to build again!  As we envision and plan for our newest campus, looking over blueprints and schematics, I am reminded of the critical importance of a having good foundation.

Foundation: a structure that supports a building from underneath

A foundation is clearly not the “rockstar” aspect of a building.  Often we notice the superficial or cosmetic amenities.  Have you ever been wowed by beautiful granite countertops, or a really great theater room?  Think about it, when was the last time you went into a great house,or building and asked to see the foundation?  My point is that although it is often invisible and unsung, a solid foundation is crucial to the stability of a building.

You see, if we are to build an extraordinary life, it can not possibly be sustained by superficial or cosmetic amenities.  Recently my dad shared some powerful wisdom with our staff:

“Invest in yourself downwardly, don’t just be impressive outwardly” Pastor Charles Nieman

What my dad meant by that is, there has to be some depth to our lives.  Before we build up, we have to build down.  Wow, do you see the reoccurring theme here?  It is the servant’s heart! The way up is down!  The way to be extraordinary is discovered in the ordinary!  The way to live great, is to start small!  The way to build up is to build down!

Recently I’ve shared two aspects of a servant’s heart, humility & generosity.  These are outward expressions of inward character, but today I want to share the bedrock, the foundation of a servant’s heart~faithfulness.

Faithfulness: showing true and constant loyalty; keeping your commitments or doing what you are supposed to do. (Merriam-Webster)

Humility and generosity are built on the foundation of faithfulness. Let me put it this way: humility and generosity are fruit of a servant’s heart, but faithfulness is the soil that they are cultivated in.  The extraordinary promises of God, accessed through humility and generosity, are not discovered in sporadic occurrences, they’re truly discovered in consistency, or faithfulness.  Jesus put it this way:

“Well done, good and faithful servant.  You have been faithful over a little; I will set you [to rule] over much.” Matthew 25:23 (ESV)

I truly believe that faithfulness is the most powerful aspect of a servant’s heart.  It truly positions us to receive God’s extra.  It’s so simple, be consistent,and do what you’re supposed to do!
A faithful person is:

  • Honest
  • Trustworthy
  • Consistent
  • Reliable
  • Timely

These attributes may not be the most glamorous, but they are the foundations upon which extraordinary lives are built!

Want to build a successful business?  Be faithful at your current job!
Want a great marriage?  Hello!  Be faithful!

Being faithful may be tough and seemingly unrewarding, but don’t give up! Consistency is the key to success!  Paul says it this way as he shares a powerful promise attached to faithfulness:

“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good.  At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” Galatians 6:9 (NLT)

What a powerful promise, if you don’t quit, you win!  My dad said it this way:

“Keep your head down and do your job, God loves that!” Pastor Charles Nieman.

Is it really that simple?  Yes!  It really is.  Believe me every house you’ve admired, every building you’ve been impressed by, every life that God used in an extraordinary manner, all have a common denominator, they were built on a strong foundation.

The foundation to the extraordinary life promised to us by God, is being faithful!  After all, one of the most powerful characteristics of our extraordinary God, is that He is, faithful!

This week I’m not going to challenge you, I’m going to flat out tell you,  just DO it.  Invest in your foundation this week, be faithful, be consistent and watch that little turn into much!

Live extraordinarily!
