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Peace, Be Still!

By December 17, 2014 January 16th, 2025 Jared Nieman

We are officially in the Christmas countdown!  Honestly this is my favorite time of the year. It’s my favorite time for the obvious reasons, it’s when we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, we get to spend time with family and loved ones.  I get to receive gifts, come on, you know you love the gifts!  But I love this time of year because as a church we essentially impact more lives, more families and win more people to the Kingdom of God during this time than we do anytime throughout the rest of the year!  This is “go time” for Abundant Living!

Last week I shared a definition of peace that stated that peace is a state of tranquility, silence and stillness.  As we face the “go time” of this holiday season I believe that no matter how busy our lives get, no matter what situation we’re thrown into, no matter who or what we have to deal with, we can be at peace during these next few weeks, and beyond!

When things try to get hectic during this holiday season, remember Peace! Be Still…

Be still and turn to the word of God!

“Those who love your instructions have great peace and nothing can make them stumble” Psalm 119:165 (NLT)

Remember, peace is freedom of your mind from annoyance, distraction or anxiety.  You receive God’s peace through His word!  His word will settle you, protect you and guard you!  Paul declares in Philippians 4:9 that the God of peace will be with you!  Don’t stumble over anxiety or worry, but allow the word of God give you peace!  

Be still and go above and beyond with your family!

Listen, this is a simple yet powerful principle.  You’re going to get pulled in a million different directions. Yes you have company parties to attend.  Yes you have to make sure all of your year end work is completed. Yes you have to go shopping.  Yes, yes, yes!  You have a lot to do.  But in all of your doing, make sure that your family is at the forefront.  Plan your family time, plan intentionally!  Three hours in a Wal-Mart could be a fun family outing, if you make it that way!  Be still and love your family!

Be still and determine to be a peacemaker!

“Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.” Romans 12:18 (NLT)

Listen, you’re going to be in situations where people around you, quite possibly even your family members, are going to cause chaos, dissension and strife during the holidays. You are going to have to do all that you can to forgive these people.  As you forgive and rid yourself of strife you are disarming the weapons that the enemy formed against you and your family.  You are a peacemaker!  

Be still and let it go!

“…don’t use your anger as fuel for revenge.  And don’t stay angry.  Don’t go to bed angry.  Don’t give the Devil that kind of foothold in your life.” Ephesians 4:26-27 (MSG)

We may not have a frozen Christmas in El Paso this year, but you can have Frozen attitude when you just LET IT GO!  Seriously, time is too precious to stay mad!  You get mad while you’re driving to the mall.  Then you get mad because there’s so many people at the mall.  Then you’re mad because you’re at the mall, period!  You know what to expect between now and Christmas Eve, so don’t act surprised when people test your temper!  Got cut off on the way to the mall?  Let it go!  Can’t find parking?  Let it go!  Mad because you have to buy a courtesy gift for your cousin that you don’t even like?  LET. IT. GO!  

The truth is, we are celebrating a BIG thing this season, his name is Jesus Christ.  When you look at life through the lens of what He came to give us, all the things that upset us seem so small and insignificant.  So don’t sweat the small stuff, and celebrate the BIG stuff!  Celebrate Jesus and His gift of abundant life to us!  Celebrate your family and the BIG love you have for each other!  And if other stuff tries to distract you into sweating the little things, just say Peace!  And be still.

Live Extraordinarily,
