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Too Legit To Quit!

By December 3, 2014 January 16th, 2025 Jared Nieman

Ok, I just want to say I love some of the stuff I come across on Instagram!  If you know me, you know I have a pretty active social media life!  I absolutely love to stay connected, as a matter of fact I’d love for you to connect with me on Twitter or Instagram: @JaredNieman

Today I came across something that I had share with you.  If you’re “seasoned” enough to remember MC Hammer’s hit song, “Too Legit” you’ll really appreciate this:

too legit to quit

I love it!  Think about the depth of this statement, “I am unable to quit…”  Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t quit, I don’t have the ability to quit. Why?  Because I’m too legit! So let me offer some help for those of us that may need a slang interpreter, “legit” is slang for saying something is legitimate.  The word legitimate takes on many different contexts, however I came across a definition of “legitimate” that I want you to know.

legitimate: having the full rights as a son or daughter

In other words, “I am unable to quit, because I know my rights as a son or daughter…”  Wow!  Can you join me in saying a collective Amen?  Can you imagine if we approached God with this mentality? What if we walked out our faith with this boldness? I can’t stop, I won’t stop because I know whose I am, and I know what I have access to! You know, it’s this type of an attitude that rings loudly in verses like Hebrews 4:16

“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”  Hebrews 4:16 (NKJV)

This portion of scripture has revolutionized my time with God in prayer.  See, a lot of us have not legitimized prayer as one of our rights as children of God.  To most, prayer is just a religious duty or a vain repetition.  In truth, prayer is our right as God’s children; it’s our right to encounter our Heavenly Father on demand!  Prayer is when we get to spend time with Him as His children!  Prayer brings God into our everyday lives, and allows Him to influence us in ways that only He can!

When you recognize prayer as your legitimate right, you’ll understand that the Lord is actually looking forward to time with us.  He is saying, “Come!”, He is waiting and ready to receive us!  When we know that we are His children we can come into His presence with boldness.  To “come boldly” means to come without fear, it means that we approach God free of hesitation.

Our boldness comes from the fact that we know who we are in Christ, (if you aren’t sure about your identity in Christ or need to be reminded, take some time read some of my blog posts from October).  Boldness to come to God begins with knowing that Christ has made you good enough!  Christ has made you worthy!  For those who believe in Christ, they have all been made the children of God!  And if you are a child of God, you know you are LEGIT!

So today I want to you encourage you to remember, you ARE legit!  You have access to God, you can come boldly before the throne of grace and obtain your Heavenly Father’s empowerment, love, mercy….the list goes on and on!  You have access to all of it as you come boldly to your Heavenly Father!  Don’t stop, don’t quit…for as a man once said…”You’re too legit to quit!”

Live Extraordinarily!
